Tuesday 27 December 2011


Well here is my highlight from Christmas Day...definitely the one and only OZZIE PAV! Doesnt it look just divine! It certainly tasted divine thats for sure! Church in the morning then lunch with Dad, his partner and 30 yr old-inked up-bikey-convicted-exhook-up (eek) son. Hmmm...great lunch, great pav, great prezzies $$$ thanks Santa! And then, by 2:00pm it was all over. I was all alone. To be completely honest, it was probably the worst  Christmas I've ever had. Well it wasnt "bad"...like I didnt reallllly care...but lets just say being alone from 2:00pm onwards, on Christmas Day, did kinda suck. Dad's friends came over, so they were all just chilling downstairs. I did have plans, like i usually do to go to a friends house or something after the lunch part, but they fell through. Well, I'm certainly going to pray SUPER DUPER hard that Christmas will only be heading uphill from now on! That this time next year the most amazing hunk of a man will enter my world with the biggest family EVS! I only ever dream of big family Christmas gatherings and TRADITIONS! Knowing me when I have kids there will be a freakin tradition for just about everything. I'm gonna create the beginning of a new generation AMEN!

Me second from the left with some of our younger dance team who performed at "The Sounds of Christmas" spectacular.

Saturday 24 December 2011


H E L L O. . .

So here we go FINALLY, Tara Jade has entered the world of blogging! And an exciting one at that, although they say! And what a way to go in with a BANG being Christmas Day and all...

So its Christmas Day...and I'm sitting at my computer...in my apartment...alone. YEP this is a fun fun fun day indeed. Nahhh I'm fortunately going to go over to my dads house very soon. His partner will ensure we are all well fed and I may even get a present or two.

Well the aim of the game is to say H I  and I M  T A R A and I T S  N I C E  Y O U R
R E A D I N G  T H I S and F O L L O W  M E (is that what you say in blog world...if not go here: www.twitter.com/tarajadeross) and C O M M E N T and B L E S S  Y O U and
Y E A H !

By day I'm an Actress, Dancer, TV Host, Teacher, Speaker, Writer, Choreographer, Voice Over Artist, Director....by night I'm a h o t m e s s :o) I  L O V E G O D - He forever changed my life and my ultimate desire is to make His name rediculously famous! Im 27 years old, Im single, I have a degree, I drive a manual, I own a business, I wanna change the world....one celebrity at a time! Serenade me...and your IN!

Much love, kind regards...chat soon? How do you finish these things....have a nice day?...yeah! MWAH! X