Wednesday 11 April 2012

Happy Easter

Well it’s been a little while since I have done a little update. Apologies for that :o) However the up-side of it all I guess gives me PLLEEENNTTYY to harp on about.

Photoshoots photoshoots photoshoots…yep 3 infact! I now have brand spankin new headshots (thanks to PVB Photography) and dance shots (thanks to Kellie Renee Photography) for my yet to come website and promotional material for 2012. Very exciting! What do you think ---> 

My acting coach Aash Aaron is a star, having given me a complete US dialect refresher over March so I can be prepared and ready to nail that US audition…when it comes along.  I recommend Bruce Shapiro’s book “Speaking American” as the best US dialect-training book for Australian actors. Absolute GOLD.

I shot a short film that I was cast in as a “Ballet Teacher” – ironic huh…do you think I was type-cast perhaps?! HAHA. Was a fun shoot, student, long, ahh, but hey you get that! Discovered that there was a New York Film Academy now on the Gold Coast! I did stacks of independent (PAID) films for the New York Film Academy when I lived in LA. Student films that are PAID?  HUH really you may ask? Film students in LA generally have a bit of $$$ and their student films quite regularly have nice budgets due to nice parents haha.

TV PRO GLOBAL is a name you may have stumbled across before…or not. It is a TV Presenting and Hosting program that offers courses to professional TV Hosts in the business across Australia. I flew to Sydney the other week to attend their two-day intense workshop with other industry know-it-alls. It was such an eye-opener and confirmation in my heart of what I really should be and WILL BE pursuing over the next few months. I’m pretty sure TV Hosting is my niche that I know I will do well in if I get my butt into line and complete my reel. That is the next thing on the agenda for April…. Lets do it!!!

And one final thing that I can think of for the month of April was and has been my probable highlight for this year so far… “The Cadbury Bunny Show”. I had the privilege of being cast in the Cadbury show as the HOST – Alice. It was a show performed at a shopping centre in Brisbane leading up to Easter. 25 minute all singing, dancing and acting show with the one and only Cadbury Bunny. Completely for kids and families and gee, was an absolute HOOT! Loved every minute of it. The whole kids show thing was a complete new experience for me but hey, it will look good on the REEL haha.

Our Easter Production @ was OFF THE CHARTS! Think flowing angels, paparazzis, rigging and Jesus flying up onto a giant L.E.D cross...whilst having the wires tangled and unfortunately spinning wildly out of control...but we disregard that part! HA such an amazing weekend, lives were changed...forever.

Happy Easter all my devoted friends and family, hope you all had a great one and stayed safe and ate plenty of chocolate. Now time to hit the G.Y.M for mwah!

Much Love <3 
Tj xo

Sunday 19 February 2012

Why hello there 2012.......NOW I can see you!

And by "NOW I can see you" I mean that I now have two letters next to my name which are BA! YEEWW I have completed my BA Arts after 3 intense years and far out I deserve a pat on the back hehe. Go on then! Seriously I feel as though now I can tackle twenty12 head on, focus on my career and enter into a new season of possibilities and opportunities. Proclaiming this year to be the year of BREAKTHROUGH in so many areas of my life. Career, relationships, family, finance, spirituality. Putting the past being and leaning forward into the future that awaits. BRING IT!

Last week I was blessed to be cast in a corporate video for a scaffolding company. THATS RIGHT, I said scaffolding company. So picture this: myself in a fluorescent orange shirt, a hard hat...and heels. HOT right!? LOL it sure was...all that metal around completely covered head to toe, 30 degrees. It was crazy because the moment we WRAPPED, it bucketed down. Typical QLD tropical weather for you. 
Recorded the voice-overs for it today actually. Ill post the finished product on this blog soon :o)

On the weekend I did an "Extreme Emotions" course with the incredible acting coach Aash Aaron. To learn how to "cry on cue" isn’t always the easiest thing to do for us thick-skinned actors. However this 8-hour course consisted of a group of appeared psychopathic creative beings expressing extreme emotions of sadness, anger, happiness and more. It was intense... and draining, however was amazing to tap into some of those emotions which will enable me to express though the many characters and roles I will play as a performer.

The ANNUAL DOLPHIN AWARDS are coming up next weekend. Come on down to the GCLT where I will be opening the night in a hot "All That Jazz" number from "Chicago". It’s going to be a great night of networking with other local theatre buffs.

EVOHE EVOHE EVOHE is a word on EVERYONES lips! I have the honour of being an affiliate ambassador for EVOHE Skincare and have some very exciting news to announce in the coming weeks. STAY TUNED for the deets!

OH OH OH I have a FACEBOOK PAGE! Please go ahead and click LIKE at to also stay up to date with all the latest of lates :o)

OK guys have an amazing week, stay inspired and Ill be touching base again veerrrryyyy soon

Monday 23 January 2012

I wanna change the WORLD...

PHEW! Even though I have been on holidays for the entire month of January, I have been quite busy. I did a voice over job the other day for a real estate company and even taught a 2 ½ hour acting workshop as part of a school holiday performers programme. It was great to actually step back into the studio and teach very “eager-to-be-famous” kids. Love that I get to nurture their young desires, imparting good values, morals and standards to set them up for a sustainable career. Without falling off the bandwagon like the majority of other young Hollywood actors of today.

I filmed an episode on Alive.TV, ( in which I host, and interviewed local Triple J unearthed artist “D at Sea”. Brilliant music and a very talented kid who has a bright bright future might I add!

Oh oh LAST week I had a very exciting meeting with the makeup and skincare range EVOHE that I am an affiliate and ambassador for ( I will be possibly working with a gorgeous celebrity in the coming weeks filming EVOHE web TV and speaking at live events. More details to come soon…. J

So yesterday I was filming up in Redcliffe a corporate video involving multiple kids under the age of 5. It was a funny day to say the least, Geee WIZZ the things that come out of these kids mouths (in which they completely get away with mind you) are freakin hilarious! Like this one kid decides to tell us all how his mum makes really loud noises on the toilet....oops!

Today I am flying to Sydney, infact I’m sitting on the plane right now! A trip that will hopefully serve a couple of purposes. One being to seek God on what it is He desires for me in Twenty12. Is it to study for my Dip Ed? Is it to go back to Hollywood? Is it to hit the Bollywood scene in India? Is it to get married and have babies? Is it to buy a house with a white fluffy dog? Oh GOODNESS! I would rather curl up and DIE than live a mundane, ordinary, status-quo life. Give me adventure! Give me adrenaline! Give me the impossible! Give me a life that is designed for SIGNIFICANCE! To change lives, to change a nation….I wanna change the world.

Sunday 1 January 2012

Hello Twenty 12

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R ! ! !

Well its a great start to the New Year...I just fell down the stairs, in a dress, holding my macbook, in front of my new roomate, her boyfriend, her brother and her dad....WELCOME EVERYONE to your daughters new home...and I'm the clutz shes living with! Oh boy...
I have frozen peas on my ankle as we speak. At least I aint dancing anytime soon.

I'm feeling quite unsettled about January and the New Year actually. A little stressed, and a little anxious...I have flights booked for the Renaissance Conference at Hillsong at the end of this month, however mum now wants me to be going to Melbourne as my grampa isnt in a good way :o( ... So will be flying to Melbourne the week before Sydney. I have 4 essays to complete by the first week of Feb for my FINAL subject of my degree, I have a 3 day actors workshop that I am conducting which I completely need to prepare for...and my ankle is throbbing gahhh! I need to go to the beach, clear my head and plan a few things I think! I need to write my goals down and prepare spiritually for the year ahead. Get my twenty12 mandate happening, and start it WELL! What are your visions for this year? Mandate? Goals, dreams? <3 2012: "Expectant for all my dreams to come true"